OMAMAN-20 C/ In House Validation Report ERP Use Only - March 2015
surface, a positive test band can sometimes show a non-uniform intensity due to the in-homogenous distribution of gluten on the dip-stick after swabbing Negative result If only the blue control band is visible in the result window (see fig. 1) after 5 min, the sample is negative. Invalid result If no bands or only parts of the red band or a missing blue control band occur after 5 min, the test is invalid and should be repeated using a new dip-stick (see evaluation card; 3.1.9).
3.9.2 Result reporting Positive result (
A non-processed sample contains more than 2.5 mg gliadin per kg A processed sample contains more than 4 mg gliadin per kg A surface contains more than 1 to 2 µg gliadin/100 cm 2 Negative result (
A non-processed sample contains less than 2.5 mg gliadin per kg A processed sample contains less than 4 mg gliadin per kg A surface contains less than 1 to 2 µg gliadin/100 cm 2
Gluten conversion factor For a further calculation into gluten, a factor of 2 is often used. This factor is recommended by the Codex Alimentarius (2).
Result interpretation
The test strip has been developed for the detection of traces of gluten. A negative result does not necessarily indicate the absence of the target compound it may be not homogenously distributed or the level of gluten in the product is below the limit of detection. The limit of detection is dependent on sample type and extraction efficiency. The RIDASCREEN® Gliadin (Art. No. R7001) should be used for quantification. This test kit is also AOAC-RI and AOAC-OMA (Official Method of Analysis, first action status) validated. AOAC Research Institute Expert Review Panel Use Only
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RIDA®QUICK Gliadin Validation report 2015-01-14
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