Dietary Starch in Animal Feed Method Applicability Comparison to Method group 012 from User lab AAFCO Check Sample No. Rob Mean Value Rob SD R-Bar #Labs 201430 30.06 30.04 2.13 .33269 36 201431 .41488 .55 .43966 .04918 21 201432 30.581 31.33 2.1870 .44907 36 201521 4.2488 3.89 .57905 .1469 27 201522 36.759 36.18 2.9984 .32589 27 201523 2.5539 1.81 1.6667 .10953 20 201524 18.906 18.185 1.6280 .25999 34 201525 18.441 17.585 1.6061 .30553 39 201526 6.1023 5.635 1.6242 .19636 34 201527 35.762 35.275 1.9284 .42745 32 201528 33.052 32.99 1.9750 .35037 32 201529 17.096 12.12 1.9859 .30663 33 201530 25.772 24.96 1.3459 .33156 31 201531 7.5558 7.145 1.4958 .21688 26 201591 8.3709 7.74 1.4240 .20552 23 201532 13.302 13.32 1.0062 .32238 30 201621 8.4036 8.135 2.2589 .19904 23 201622 19.985 19.1 2.0445 .29413 29 201623 32.036 30.2 2.0401 .43485 33 201624 15.22 14.675 1.5278 .30109 32 201625 33.688 32.300 2.0603 .32512 32 201626 7.8288 6.8850 1.5867 .20835 34
This data includes all methods that AAFCO includes under Method code 012. One important thing to note is that Free Glucose is not included in the calculation for values supplied by my laboratory to AAFCO and may be the reason for why our values are slightly lower than the Rob Mean. It is still important to note that this method was within one standard deviation from the Rob mean on all of the samples tested. AOAC Research Institute ERP Use Only
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