Review Team (February 2016)

Fonterra Co-operative Group VitD-18 (February 2016) FOR ERP USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE

MRM chromatogram of milk-based infant formula sample

Figure 7: Vitamin D 3

Figure 8: Vitamin D 2

MRM chromatogram of milk-based infant formula sample

Mass Spectrometry During method development, product ion scans of the fragmentation of a standard of vitamin D 3 -PTAD [M+H] + ions were performed (Figures 9 – 10). Product ions (298 and 280 m/z ) were and vitamin D 3 . The method was optimised to enhance the signal of the transitions 572.2 Æ 298 and 572.2 Æ 280 for vitamin D 2 and 560.2 Æ 298 and 560.2 Æ 280 for vitamin D 3 . identified as being suitable candidates for quantifier and qualifier ions for both vitamin D 2 vitamin D 2

-PTAD and

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