SPADA Meeting Book

Bacterial Strain Verification Working Group

It is not an uncommon occurrence for an assay developer,  researcher, or evaluator to discover that a bacterial culture  is not what it is purported to be in terms of species or  strain.  There is no consensus on the process to authenticate  bacterial strain. This group will work to develop guidelines for the  characterization and authentication of bacterial strains to  provide confidence in the identification of material being  used.


In‐Silico Analysis Working Group

With the advantages of  in silico PCR analysis, the building of  confidence in the results can been enhanced by establishing  standards and recommendations for use as a complimentary  tool to wet testing.  The goal of the AOAC SPADA Working Group  is to draft  standard procedures for the use of in silico PCR analysis, so  different analysts working across separate laboratories will  achieve equivalent results, and thus build confidence in the  data from  in silico PCR analysis. 


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