SPADA at AOAC Annual Meeting 2023

SPADA VNGS Sequence Instrument Quality Metrics (1) Base quality score .— Statistical algorithms used for base calling shall be known, verified and converted to a Q score. Average base quality score Q>20. Single base quality score for the targeted region Q>30. (2) Artefacts.— No artefacts found in final sequence. (3) Sequencing platform specific error profiles . — All platform associated errors should be resolved (4) Variation in quality scores across the sequence read. —Sequence reads shall have an overall resolved Q score >20 (5) Biases in sequence data driven by base composition. — GC-rich sequence bias shall be anticipated and resolved, based on species specificity or nucleic acid repair (6) Departure from suboptimal library fragment sizes . — If possible, average library fragment size shall be provided as metadata

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