SPDS ERP Review-May 2015

by MALD.” Song, F . Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry. 2003, 17, 1095-1098. 8. “ Quinaldic Acid as a New Matrix for Matrix-assist Laser Desorption Ionization of Nucleic Acid”, Song, F . Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry, 2003, 17 , 1802- 1807. 9. “The Origin of High-Affinity Enzyme Binding to an Extrahelical DNA base”, Krosky, D. J.; Song F .; Stivers J. T. Biochemistry , 2005, 44 , 5949-5959. 10. “Structure and Function of the Phenazine Biosynthesis Protein PhzF from Pseudomonas fluorescens ”, Parsons, F.; Song, F .; Parsons, L.; Calabrese K.; Eisenstein, E.; Ladner, J. E. Biochemistry, 2004 , 43 , 12427-12435 . 11. “Dynamics Unpairing of DNA During the Enzymatic Search for a Damaged Base” Cao, C.; Jiang, Y. L., Stivers, J. T., Song, F . Nature Structure. Molecular. Biology, 2004, 11 , 1230-1236. 12. “Recognition of an Unnatural Difluorophenyl Nucleotide by Uracil DNA Glycosylase”, Jiang, Y. L.; McDowell, L., Studelska, D.; Cao, C.; Schaefer, J.; Song F . and Stivers, J. T. Biochemitry, 2004, 43, 15429-15438. 13. “The Merits of Bipartite Transition-state Mimics for Inhibition of Uracil DNA Glycosylase”, Jiang, Y. L.; Cao, C.; Stivers, J. T .; Song, F .; Ichikawa Y. Bioorganic Chemistry, 200 4, 32 , 244-262. 14. “Powering DNA Repair Through Substrate Electrostatic Interaction” Jiang, Y. L.; Ichikawa, Y.; Song, F .; Stivers, J. T. Biochemistry , 2003 , 42 , 1922-1929. 15. “F-19 NMR Studies of Vaccinia Type B Topoisomease-Conformational Dynamics of the Bound DNA Substrate” Kwon, K.; Jiang, Y. L.; Song, F .; Stivers, J. T. Journal of Biological Chemistry , 2002 , 277 , 353-358. 16. “Base-flipping mutations of uracil DNA glycosylase: substrate rescue using a pyrene nucleotide wedge” Jiang, Y. L.; Stivers, J, T.; Song, F . Biochemsitry, 2002, 41 , 11248- 11254. 17. “Design and Use of a Peptide Nucleic Acid for the Detection of the Heteroplasmic Low-frequency MELAS (Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy, Lactic Acidosis and Stroke-like episodes) Mutation in Human Mitochondrial DNA” Hancock, D .K.; Schwarz, F. P.; Song, F .; Wong, L. C.; Levin, B. C. Clinical Chemistry , 2002, 48 , 2155- 2163. 18. “Interception of Deaminatively Generated Benzyl Carbenium Ions by Acetone” Song, F.; Darbeau, R. W.; White, E. H. Journal of Organic Chemistry , 2000, 65 , 1825- 1829.

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