SPDS Lutein and Turmeric ERPs

ERP Recommendations

ƒ Supply all documentation to AOAC by established deadline D t ti i l d ERP i d t il ƒ ocumen a on nc u es rev ew e a s

ƒ Representative from ERP present at OMB review meeting

ƒ If method to be repealed, document reasoning

3XEOLFDWLRQ RI )LUVW $FWLRQ 0HWKRGV ƒ Any approved method(s) along with supporting manuscript(s) and documentation sent to AOAC Publications after the meeting. ƒ AOAC Official Methods number assigned. ƒ Method and method manuscript prepared for publication in the Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL and in Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL ƒ Updates on methods approved or status changes are published in the Inside Laboratory Management magazine and on the AOAC website

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