SPDS Lutein and Turmeric ERPs

General Information

Reviewer Name:

Melissa Phillips





Method Reviewed:


Method Title:

Quantitation of Curcuminoids

Applicable SMPR


I.  Summary

Summary of Method:

An 80:20 methanol:water extraction followed by LC‐absorbance for determination of  CUR, BDMC, and DMC in turmeric materials.  Optimization of some extraction  parameters was discussed.

1.  Does the Applicability of the  Method Support the Applicability  of the SMPR?  If not, please explain  what is missing. II.  Review of the Method Only 2.  Does the analytical technique(s)  used in the method meet the  SMPR?  If not, please specify how it  differs from what is stated in the  SMPR. 3.  Are the definitions specified in  the SMPR used and applied  appropriatly in the method?  If no,  please indicate how the terms are  used. 4.  Does the method, as written,  contain all appropriate precautions  and warnings related to the  method's regaents, components,  instrumentation, or method steps  that may be hazardous?  If no,  please suggest wording or  option(s). 1.  Are the definitions specified in  the SMPR used and applied  appropriately in the supporting  documentation (manuscripts,  method studies, etc…)?  If not,  please explain the differences and  if the method is impacted by the  difference.   2.  Is there information  demonstrating that the method  meets the SMPR Method  Performance Requirements using  the Reference Materials stated in  the SMPR?   If not,  then specify  what is missing and how this  impacts demonstration of  performance of the method.  




No safety information is included.  Could potentially include a statement regarding  flammability of solvents, acidity of mobile phase, as well as use of elevated column  temperature, but this is not critical.

III.  Review of Information in Support of the Method


Reference standards were acquired from a different vendor (Chromadex) than those  listed in the SMPR; purity of standards should be evaluated and confirmed or  corrected in‐house. Matrix reference materials listed in SMPR were not used in this study (although they  are not yet available from NIST).

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