SPDS Meeting Book

Proposal for analytes: 1. Limit to only principal isomers of the four most  relevant, co‐chromatographing compounds a. Lutein b. 3’‐Epilutein (significant epimer loss of lutein) c. Zeaxanthin d β‐Cryptoxanthin .

2. Saponify initial extract

a. Analyze free compounds only

1. Lutein o (3R 3’R 6’R) β ε carotene 3 3’ diol ; dietary , , ‐ , ‐ ‐ , ‐ o Commercial and supplemental roles • Accumulates throughout human retina • Reportedly rescues AMD • Present in other tissues, relevance under study • Colors white egg yolks yellow • Antioxidant • Colorant (E161b) o Structure

o Proposed daily dose: 10 mg

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