SPDS Set 1 ERP Book





AOAC Method Number:


Method Title:

SLV Study of a method for Screening

Method Author(s):

Vaclavik, Schmitz, Halbardier, Mastovska

Reviewer Name:

Tom Phillips

PDE5 inhibitors are extracted from the dietary ingr edient or supplement samples using a 50:50 (v/v ) mixture of acetonitrile and water and centrifuged . Supernatant is diluted, filtered and analyzed by LC- HRMS. Data are collected in MS acquisition mode that combines full-scan MS experiment with ion fragmentation and data-dependent MS/MS product ion scan experiment. This approach enables collection of MS and MS/MS data for both targeted and non-targeted PDE5 inhibitors in a single chromatographic run. Software-facilitated identification of targeted analytes is performed based on retention time, accurate mass and isotopic pattern of pseudomolecular ion, and accura te masses of fragment ions using in-house developed compound database. Detection and identification of other PDE5 inhibitors and novel analogues are performed by retrospective evaluation of MS and MS/MS experimental data. Applicable to screening and identification of acet aminotadalafil, acetildenafil, avanafil, homo sildenafil, hydroxyacetildenafil, hydroxyhomos ildenafil, hydroxythiohomosildenafil, lodenafil carbonate, mirodenafil, propoxyphenyl homohydroxysildenafil, sildenafil, tadalafil, thiohomosildenafil, udenafil, vardenafil and other known and novel analogues of the above PDE5 inhibitors.

Summary of Method

Method Scope / Applicability:

The method is miniaturized which allows high throughput for samples. Sample preparation is easy and simple. The linearity for the three compounds studied is excellent,

General Comments About the Method:

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