SPIFAN Chlorates ERP 11-9-21 (OMB Review)

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1995-2002: Researcher, Laboratory of Food Contaminants & Toxicants, ICT, Prague, Czech Republic

Dr. Mastovska worked during her undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate studies as a researcher developing and running methods for analysis of pesticide residues and other food and environmental contaminants, primarily based on gas chromatographic separations with mass spectrometric or element-selective detection. She participated in numerous international projects, mainly focused on method harmonization within the EU. She spent three short-term stays as a visiting scientist in Pesticide Residue Group at the Central Science Laboratory (CSL – now FERA) in York, UK in 1997, 1998, and 1999 and one two-month stay at the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Wyndmoor, PA in 2000, conducting successful method development for the analysis of pesticide residues. AOAC International Official Methods Board (OMB) member (2015 – 2021) Co-chair of the AOAC Int. Community on Chemical Contaminants and Residues in Food (2011 – 2016) Chair of the Expert Review Panel on MCPD and glycidyl esters (2017 – present) Chair of the Expert Review Panel on Furans (2019 – present) Chair of the PDE5 Inhibitor Working Group for the Stakeholder Panel on Dietary Supplements (2014) Chair of the Furans Working Group (2019) Co-chair of the Chlorate/Perchlorate Working Group (2020 – 2021) Working group member: Allergens by mass spectrometry (2016), BPA in beverages (2017), MCPD and GE esters (2017), Cannabinoids in cannabis plant and concentrates (2016), Cannabinoids in chocolate and pesticide residues in cannabis (2017-2018), Sugars (2018), Veterinary drug residues (2018 – 2019), CASP Cannabinoids (2019 – present), CASP Chemical Contaminants (2019 – present), Glyphosate (2020 – 2021) Contaminants in Cannabis Expert Review Panel, member (2020 – present) Sulfites in Seafood Expert Review Panel, member (2020 – present) Dietary Supplement Expert Review Panel on PDE5 inhibitors, member (2015 – present) Bisphenol A Expert Review Panel, member (2017 – present) Cannabinoids Expert Review Panel, member (2017 – present) Veterinary Drug Expert Review Panels, member (2009 – present) Study Director for the AOAC Int. study on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in seafood as a response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (2010 – 2013) AOAC Int. Topic Advisor for the Veterinary Drug Residue Methods (2009 – present) Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) Dr. Mastovska served (2006-2009) as an expert in the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) panel of the JMPR (Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues) evaluating pesticide submissions and recommending world-wide pesticide maximum residue levels in foods and feeds to the Codex Alimentarius Commission.


North American Chemical Residue Workshop (NACRW) Program committee and organizing committee member (2010 – present) Scientific Program Chair of the 50 th FPRW/NACRW meeting, 2013 Reference Materials Working Group member (2019 – present) PERFORM Working Group member (2019 – present)

International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA) Scientific committee member (2017 – present) Instructor of interactive seminars (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019)

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