SPIFAN Chlorates ERP 11-9-21 (OMB Review)

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R&D Specialist. Nestlé Research Centre, Nestec Ltd., Institute of Food Safety and Analytical Sciences, Contaminants chemistry group – Lausanne (Switzerland).

Dec 2014-

Development and validation of new methods for chemical contaminants in food (mainly by LC- and GC-MS/MS and by GCxGC-MS). Assistance to markets/operational laboratories in method implementation & verification phase with remote advice and on-site missions. Training and coaching other junior team members.

Academic Senior Associated, Spanish National Programme for Recruitment and Incorporation of Human Resources: “ Juan de la Cierva ” Contract with the University of Granada (Spain) - Three years.


Development, validation and implementation of analytical methodologies for the determination of mycotoxins and pesticides in different food and animal feed matrices by UPLC-MS/MS, HPLC-FLD-DAD and CE-MS. Training and supervising graduate and undergraduate students.

Visiting postdoctoral researcher, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) - Three months.


Synthesis and development of a molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) for the selective extraction of the mycotoxin citrinin from dirty matrices.

Postdoctoral Grant, European Commission, Joint Research Centre - Institute of Reference Materials and Measurements (EC-JRC-IRMM), Reference Material Unit – Geel (Belgium) - Three years.


Development of Certified Reference Materials for the quantification of contaminants (PAHs and pesticides) in food. Validation and application of GC-MS and LC-MS/MS based analytical methodologies for the quantification of organic trace residues in food. Trainer in a regular base of the course “Use of Reference Materials and the Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty” organized by EC-JRC-IRMM for externals.

Associated Researcher, Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Granada (Spain) - Three months.


Optimization and validation of an analytical method for the quantification of Tocopherols, Tocotrienols (Vitamins E) and Oryzanol in rice, maize and olive oil by normal phase HPLC with fluorescence detection. Method implementation for routine analysis of real samples from Hebra Ricemill S.L.

Researcher (PhD Student), Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Granada (Spain) - Five years.


José Fernando Huertas-Pérez


Curriculum Vitae

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