SPIFAN Chlorates ERP 11-9-21 (OMB Review)

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o Pesticides in Tea ERP o Aloin ERP  Reviewer for Journal of AOAC  2010-2013 participation in different Method Centric Committees  Past member of Editorial Board (2012-2016)  Past member of Committee E (Food and Food Nutrition 2006-2010)

 AOAC HONORS:  2020: Award in Recognition of Technical and Scientific Excellence: Working Group on Veterinary Drugs Residues  2019: Fellow of AOAC International  2015: Expert Review Panel of the Year: Pesticide Residues Expert Review Panel  Author and coauthor of articles for journals  Speaker at analytical science congress and symposiums  Author and coauthors of posters for congress and symposiums  Thesis tutor for undergraduate students (Faculty of Chemistry and Faculty of Engineering-Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay- State University)  Skilled in method development  Skilled in method validation and accreditation  Skilled in sample preparation and chromatographic analysis (HPLC, GC, MS/MS)  Skilled in Quality Assurance  Languages: • Spanish as mother language • English: advanced level • German: first official international certificate as a foreign language


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