SPIFAN Chlorates ERP 11-30-21 (President Review)

Page 15 Jonathan R. Draher

Specialized Skills Analytical Skills - Gas Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography, Ion Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry ESI, APCI, EI, ToF, UV-Visible Spectroscopy, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, pH meter, analytical balance, titrations. Software- Chromeleon, Empower, MassLynx, Chemstation, UNIFI, Progenesis QI, NIST Mass Spectral Library, AMDIS, SciFinder, JMP, MiniTab, Microsoft Office.

Applications- Access, Word, Power Point, Outlook, Notes Society Memberships : AOAC International, ASMS, AOCS


Ohio Dominican University , Columbus, Ohio Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Publications

• Draher, J., Pound, V., Reddy, T., (2014) Validation of a rapid method of analysis using ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for nitrogen-rich adulterants in nutritional food ingredients. Journal of Chromatography A. 1373 106-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2014.11.019 • Draher, J., Cellar N., Ehling, S., Reddy, T., Henion, J., Sousou, N. (2016) Determination of emerging nitrogenous economic adulterants in milk proteins by high-performance liquid chromatography/compact mass spectrometry. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry. 30(11) 1265-1272. 10.1002/rcm.7568 • Draher, J., White, N. (2018) HPLC Determination of Total Tryptophan in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula Following Enzymatic Hydrolysis: Single-Laboratory Validation, First Action 2017.03. Journal of AOAC International. 101(4) 1244-1248. 10.5740/jaoacint.2017.03 • Draher, J. (2019) HPLC Determination of Total Tryptophan in Infant Formula and Adult/Pediatric Nutritional Formula Following Enzymatic Hydrolysis, Multilaboratory Testing Study: Final Action 2017.03. Journal of AOAC International. 102(5) 1567-1573. 10.5740/jaoacint.18-0399 Presentations • “Determination of emerging nitrogenous economic adulterants in milk proteins by HPLC/Compact Mass Spectrometry.” American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, June 2014. • “Development of an HPLC-MS method for the analysis of anion in water.” AOAC Annual Conference Los Angeles, CA, September 2015 • “Determination of free choline, free carnitine, and myo-inositol by LC-MS/MS.” ASMS Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, June 2016 • “Use of novel column chemistry to analyze anions and arsenic species by HPLC-MS/MS.” Abbott Nutrition Technical Exchange (ANTE), Columbus, OH, October 2016 • “Furan release study: Comparison of in home prepared powder samples vs. as sold powder samples.” ANTE, Columbus, OH, October 2017

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