SPIFAN Nutrients ERP Book_9-29-15
Evaluation of Method Performance vs. SMPR requirements.
AOAC SMPR: 2015.002, 2015.003, 2015.004, and 2015.005
Method Reference #
Simultaneous Determination of Total Vitamin B6, B2, B3 and B1 in Infant Formula Products by LC- MS/MS using Enzyme Digestion
Method title:
Principle of the method:
Samples are enzymatically digested with a stable isotope labeled internal standard and analyzed by LC-MS/MS.
Weighting factor for parameter
Suitability Ranking (1-3-5) (select from drop-down list, 5 = best)
Method Performance
Please report
SMPR Requirement
in units as stated in SMPR!
Applicable to all forms of infant, adult, and/or pediatric formula (powders, ready-to-feed liquids, and liquid concentrates). Any combination of milk, soy, rice, whey, hydrolyzed protein, starch, and amino acids, with and without intact protein.
All SPIFAN matrices evaluated met precision and accuracy requirements for all four vitamins. Precision = 14 matrixes evaluated Accuracy = 8 unique matrixes evaluated.
SPIFAN matrices
All analytes defined in the applicability statement are measured.
Method determines these four vitamins simultaneously from the same injection
Total B1, B2, B3, and B6
all units ug/100g of RTF
Total B1 Total B2 Total B3 Total B6 Total B1 Total B2 Total B3 Total B6 Total B1 Total B2 Total B3 Total B6 Total B1 Total B2 Total B3 Total B6 Total B1 Total B2 Total B3 Total B6 Total B1 Total B2 Total B3 Total B6 Total B1 Total B2 Total B3 Total B6
20 - 2000 30 - 4000
same same same
Analytical Range.
200 - 10000
nearly same
10 - 2000
≤ 20 ≤ 30
9.79 8.65 95.2
Limit of quantification (LOQ)
≤ 200
≤ 10
92.4 - 102.5, mean 97.1% recovery
95.1 - 100.7, mean 97.9% recovery
Spike recovery (%)
90-110 % mean spiked recovery over the Range
100.3 - 110.7 , mean 103.8% recovery 96.8 - 100.5, mean 99.1% recovery
2.2% higher than certified 11.5% higher than certified 4.7% lower than certified 1.7% higher than certified
Bias vs SRM
Use SRM 1849a
≤ 5% ≤ 5% ≤ 5% ≤ 5%
1.1 2.3 1.2 1.5 3.4 5.1 2.8 4.4
Repeatability (RSDr)
not stated not stated not stated not stated
Intermediate Reproducibility (RSDiR)
≤ 10% ≤ 10% ≤ 10% ≤ 10%
not tested yet not tested yet not tested yet not tested yet
Reproducibility (RSDR)
Adequate proof of performance via system suitability
Did Method Author Consider ERP’s Method Specific Recommendations (See web link to specific method comments): Feedback from Users of the Method since being awarded First Action Official Methods Status
Bias against established method
Is there a bias Yes/No ?
Analytical equipment is commonly available in most labs.
Analytical equipment
No unique proprietary equipment/accessories are required.
Proprietary equipment
Laboratory safety
Method does not require any special safety precautions e.g. personal protection from highly toxic solvents.
Other Considerations
Overall Score
Decision by ERP
Recommendation of ERP 2 years after First Action Status
move to Final Action/repeal/remove/expand 2 year term
a Concentrations apply to (1) "ready to feed liquids" "as-is"; (2) reconstituted powders (25 g into 200 g water); and (3) liquid concentrates diluted 1:1 by weight.
b Units
SPIFAN ERP Checklist v 1.6
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