AOAC SPSFAM Meeting Book 9-24

II. Meeting Minutes

1. Welcome and Introductions All attendees were introduced and the meeting commenced at 1:00 pm ET. 2. SPSFAM Update

Konings provided a presentation 1 regarding SPSFAM’s activities since the last stakeholder panel meeting, including updates on recent expert review panels (ERPs) and the successes of the AOAC Working Group Initiative. Szpylka provided an update on the AOAC Expert Review Panel for SPSFAM for Select Food Allergen Methods (ERP), which had met that morning. ERP chair, Szpylka, advised that the submitted food allergens method would require more work before approval.

3. SMPR Approval Presentations and Consensus

a. SMPR Approval Presentation: Proanthocyanidins in Cranberries (PAC)

Schaneberg took the floor to give a presentation 2 on the work done by the AOAC Working Group on Proanthocyanidins in Cranberries (PAC Working Group). He explained that the working group had met several times by webinar to develop two sets of Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs): • SMPRs for Quantitation of proanthocyanidins content in cranberry fruit, juice, beverage, dried cranberry, cranberry sauce, ingredients (concentrations, extracts and powders) and dietary supplement formulations i • Identification of Type-A Proanthocyanidin in Cranberry-Based Foods and Dietary Supplements ii After reviewing the draft standards, Schaneberg made the motions to approve the SMPRs. MOTION to approve the SMPR for Quantitation of proanthocyanidins content in cranberry fruit, juice, beverage, dried cranberry, cranberry sauce, ingredients (concentrations, extracts and powders) and dietary supplement formulations as presented. (Schaneberg / Cunningham) 21 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. The motion carried. MOTION to approve the SMPR for Identification of Type-A Proanthodanidin in Cranberry Based Foods and Dietary Supplements as presented or as revised. (Schaneberg / Cunningham) 21 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstained. The motion carried. b. SMPR Approval Presentation: Cannabis Quantitation

1 Attachment 1 - SPSFAM Update Presentation 2 Attachment 2 – PAC SMPR Approval Presentation

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