AOAC SPSFAM Meeting Book 9-24


Current Sugar Analysis Methods ▪ For animal feeds, current sugar analyses typically rely on extraction, acid hydrolysis of solubilized carbohydrates, and measurement as reducing sugars, or measurement of total extracted carbohydrates using condensation reactions. ▪ Inappropriately includes oligosaccharides and other solubilized carbohydrate in the sugar measurement. Also for some feeds, active amylases digest carbs into sugars thus artificially increasing the measured sugar amount. ▪ For measuring individual sugars in foods, traditional HPLC methods have difficulty ▪ separating some monosaccharides from each other, and ▪ resolving sugars from interfering compounds such as sugar alcohols ▪ Currently there are no approved methods for individually measuring mono- and di-saccharides in animal feed or pet food. ▪ RI methods do not achieve desired level for low level sugar guarantees. ▪ AOAC Official Method 974.06 Sugars (Total) in Animal Feed Modified Fehling Solution Method ▪ Several issues on accounting for different sugars being present

Significance ▪ Facilitate guarantees for sugar content in animal food and pet food on product labels, including for low carbohydrate claims. ▪ Facilitate guarantees fructan content in animal food and pet food on product labels, to characterize carbohydrate fraction. ▪ Regulatory Impact: ▪ Industry already making dietary starch and sugar guarantees on animal feed ▪ Guarantees for sugars and dietary starch have to be shown together ▪ Pet Foods will start using the claims in 2018. Methods needed sooner than later!


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