AOAC SPSFAM Meeting Book 9-24


Analytical Needs – Low Level Lactose ▪ Declared lactose-free foods contain less than 0.5g lactose per serving. ▪ Dairy products with large serving sizes challenge existing method LOQs. ▪ Lactitol co-elutes with lactose in the AOAC HPLC-RI method. ▪ A number of methods have been published employing a number of different technologies ▪ Examples include HPLC-RI, LC/MS-MS, enzymatic assays, HPAEC-PAD, and GC. ▪ An official method for dispute resolution is needed.


▪ Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest and absorb lactose found in dairy products. Symptoms include gastrointestinal issues. ▪ Causes of intolerance include decreased production of lactase or diseases which reduce lactase in the small intestine. ▪ The known cases of lactose intolerance is rising but this may be due to decreased production of lactase occurring over time as evidenced by many cases appearing between early childhood and age 21. ▪ Many products exist which are either low lactose (fermentation) or lactose free


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