AOAC SPSFAM Meeting Book 9-24


Stakeholder Panel Strategic Food Analytical Methods(SPSFAM): Veterinary Drug Residues in Foods

Working Group Chair: Dr. Joe Boison Meeting Location: Atlanta Marriott Hotel M103/104 Date of Presentation: Sunday, September 24 th 2017

Background on the veterinary drug residue method development project

▪ Veterinary drugs are chemical substances applied or administrated to any food-producing animal for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic purposes, sometimes as well for modification of physiological functions or behavior. ▪ For instance, veterinary drugs can be used as antibiotics, antiparasitic agents, fungicides, or substances with anti-inflammatory effects. ▪ The incorrect use of veterinary drugs in animal production has lead to residues in various edible animal tissues, and microbial resistance is now pointed as major concern for public health. Organizations such as Codex Alimentarius, European Union or the US Food & Drug Administration have established maximum residue limits for many veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs from animal origin, while some other drugs are banned. ▪ Therefore, the need to have methods capable to screen and confirm the possible presence of a broad range of substances for veterinary use in food becomes of paramount importance to ensure that regulatory requirements are met, and ultimately to protect consumers.


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