Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book - September 6, 2014

Stability of B 6

 All forms of B 6

are quite stable in acidic 

conditions.  Near UV and UV light can significantly degrade B 6 .  Pyridoxine is the most stable to light.  Heat can degrade B 6 especially at higher pH.  Pyridoxine is also the most heat stable form.  Heat from processing can also cause  interconversion of the vitamers.  

The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI),for Vitamin B 6 children 0‐6 months 0.1 mg/day  children 7 12 months 0 3 mg/day  ‐  .  children 1‐3 years 0.5 mg/day  children 4‐8 years 0.6 mg/day  children 9‐13 years 1.0 mg/day  males 14‐50 1.3 mg/day  males 50 and up  1.7 mg/day Females 9‐13 1 0 mg/day .  females 14‐18 1.2mg/day  Females 19‐50 years 1.3 mg/day Females 50 and up 1.5 mg/day During pregnancy 1.9 mg/day. During lactation 2.0 mg/day


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