Statistics Meeting Book (June 20, 2018)
d. Bimonthly article to be published in every issue of ILM, called “Random Thoughts”, of Statistical interest, by the Stat Committee Members on a Voluntary Basis: Next Article to be published in the September/October 2018 Issue by Robert LaBudde 1. From R. Rathbone, Editor, ILM “A typical article may run 500-600 words, with graphics/pictures, etc. This would be a page.” 2. Title: ‘Random Thoughts’ 3. Request for Volunteers for short articles: a. Equivalency Testing by Robert LaBudde - Done! b. Measurement Uncertainty or related, by Jane Weitzel c. Ideas for future issues: Topics of Interest for AOAC Analytical Community i. Intermediate Precision ii. False Positive/False Negative & its relationship to the POD Model iii. LOD/LOQ iv. Proficiency Testing 4. Deadlines are generally the first week of the prior issue, e.g.: 1 st week of July for publication in September. OTHER PROJECTS & DISCUSSIONS (All – 11:05AM-11:20AM) (Other projects and discussions) a. Scott Coates, on behalf of OMB, is working on several higher priority topics for input to OMB 1. Intermediate Precision (RSDi) 2. False Positive/False Negative Rates/Sensitivity vs. Probability of Detection (POD) 3. Linearity 4. Clarification on Number of Calibration Points b. Reviewers needed for Methods a. Rotational basis b. Suggestions? c. The AOAC Cannabis working group: - Sidney Sudberg/Anli Gao/Robert LaBudde, etc. 1. 3 SMPR’s accepted 2. There will be a need for statistical evaluation of data, as needed 3. No Updates V. NEW BUSINESS (All – 11:20AM-11:25AM) a. Next Symposium, 2018 AOAC Annual Meeting 1. Four (4) papers to be presented 2. 1 st Round submitted to AOAC I 3. Next Round to be finalized this week b. New committee members recruitment process 1. Anyone have any willing (or unwilling) Volunteers they would like to recommend? c. Any other New Business?
VI. SCHEDULE NEXT STATISTICS COMMITTEE MEETING (All – 11:25AM-11:30AM) Next Statistics Committee meeting dates/times (other options, if necessary) a. Proposed for Wednesday, July 18 th , 2018, 10:30 am EST
*Requires a vote
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