Statistics Meeting Book (March 20, 2019)
General assumptions (both metamers) • ‘Independence’: Sources of variation do not interact. The underlying model is additive and main effects only. • ‘Homogeneity’: Sources of variation are the same for each Institution, characterized by a common variance. • ‘Normality’: Sources of variation are governed by a univariate normal distribution, so only means and variances matter. C metamer • Useful for a fixed single concentration where observed concentrations vary well within one order of magnitude. • Results for different concentrations generally not comparable unless macro analyte in the 10% to 100% composition range. • Data subject to skew and kurtosis (failures of normal distribution assumption) copyright 2018 by Least Cost Formulations, Ltd., all rights reserved.
copyright 2018 by Least Cost Formulations, Ltd., all rights reserved.
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