Statistics Meeting Book (March 20, 2019)
Statistics Committee ToR_1-31-18 OMB Edits (Version 9)
III. SUMMARY OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON 29 STATISTICS: 30 a. Guide , and advise , and consent on appropriate application and use of statistical 31 techniques and tools and the interpretation of results; 32 b. Statistically evaluate and advise on study designs, numerical results, and address 33 questions in a timely manner as requested by staff and Official Methods Board; 34 c. Advise AOAC stakeholder panels, working groups, and expert review panels as 35 requested . by Official Methods Board; 36 d. Advise Official Methods Board on changes to statistical tools, guidance, and 37 approaches as it applies to standards development and conformity assessment 38 activities; 39 e. Evaluate and/or provide guidance and advice on designing multi-laboratory 40 studies, assigned method manuscripts, reporting work sheets, and use of 41 appropriate statistical procedures; and 42 f. Other projects as assigned through AOAC staff or Official Methods Board. IV. SUMMARY OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE CHAIR OF THE COMMITTEE ON 45 STATISTICS: 46 a. Serve as primary representative of the Committee; 47 b. Must be a member of AOAC INTERNATIONAL in good standing 48 c. Facilitate and moderate discussions of the Committee Meetings; 49 d. Present and report on Committee activities and/or recommendations to AOAC 50 Official Methods Board (OMB) and actively serve as primary Committee 51 representative and participate on the OMB; 52 e. Oversee the implementation of AOAC policies and procedures in the Committee; 53 f. Work with staff on assigning Committee members for method reviews; 54 g. Work with staff and Official Methods Board on priorities to be addressed by the 55 Committee; and 56 h. Work with staff and OMB on identification and approval of Committee 57 membership. 43 44
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a. Must be a trained statistician, or have documented formal training in statistics,
applied statistics, or other sufficient relevant expertise;
b. Must be willing to carry out the duties and responsibilities described in the Section
c. Must be able to work cooperatively with other volunteers, stakeholders, experts,
and staff;
d. e.
Must submit a CV and a statement of expertise;
Must have a letter of support from the sponsoring organization; and Must have an executed AOAC Volunteer Acceptance Form.
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