Statistics Meeting Book (May 15, 2019)
Draft Meeting Agenda Wednesday, May 15, 2019 Meeting Start Time: 10:30 AM (Eastern US) Chair: Sidney Sudberg (Alkemist Labs) ______________________________________________________________________________ ( Need member to volunteer to take the minutes )
I. WELCOME & INTRODUCTION (Sudberg – 10:30AM‐10:40AM) *
Sidney Sudberg will call the meeting to order, welcome and introduce the members of Statistics Committee. Members will review the AOAC policy documents and vote on the draft meeting agenda.
II. REVIEW OF MEETING AGENDA & MINUTES (All – 10:40AM-10:45AM) * The members of the Statistics Committee will review and vote on the April 17 th , 2019 meeting minutes and the May 15 th , 2019 draft meeting agenda. III. CURRENT METHOD CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT PROJECTS (All– 10:45AM-11:05AM) Progress updates a. Statistics for Microbiology Methods Validation - Paul Wehling & Robert LaBudde (Leads) 1. Word copies of the Annexes for Appendix J, provided, to be able to work with equations easily: a. Robert LaBudde b. Paul Wehling
Volunteers to check equations modified by Paul: a) Qian Graves b) Jane Weitzel
c) Hilde Skår Norli d) (Sidney Sudberg?)
b. Changes to Appendix J (in progress) - Paul Wehling & Robert LaBudde (Leads) 1. ISPAM being ‘reactivated’ to discuss quantitative methods i. Any updates or activity to report? 2. Qualitative methods need changes (performed during &/or after validation) a.
Paul to update Committee on WG Progress & any changes that may need review b. Homogeneity? (Robert to write a TR?) c. Fractional Recovery: Report on Micro ERP meeting ‘confusion’ about Appendix J d. Candidate minus Reference e. New method of calculating the CI for the paired dPod f. Use of Z (n) vs. t (n-1) g. Removal of reference to Welch/Satterthwaite t-test? h. Chi-Square Test Calculator (Robert/Paul) i. To be discussed with Appendix J changes
*Requires a vote
version 2
Draft meeting agenda is subject to change without notice
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