


April 8, 2022


Volunteer Leadership of an AOAC Science Program


Deborah McKenzie, Staff Liaison – AOAC Official Methods Board (OMB) on behalf of the AOAC OMB Working Group on Safety and Security


Nominations for the New AOAC Committee on Safety and Security

BACKGROUND: Recently, the AOAC Board of Directors approved a Terms of Reference (TOR) to form a new Committee on Safety and Security. The TOR highlights the committee’s responsibilities including continued focus on advising members, reviewing methods and the addition of security. This new committee, which operates under the AOAC Official Methods Board (OMB), will work directly under the guidance and support of the OMB Working Group on Safety and Security to accomplish some key goals. A visual description of this working relationship is enclosed. It is a great opportunity for AOAC members to gain leadership and committee experience while creating a culture of safety and security. For more information on the responsibilities and expected composition and organization of the Committee, please review the Committee’s Terms of Reference that is enclosed. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: We are requesting a nomination from your group to be considered for membership on the Committee for Safety and Security. All nominees must complete the Nomination Form which can be accessed below. Nominations must include a brief statement of each nominee’s specific skill sets and experience including but not limited to: • Laboratory safety including microbiology and/or chemistry; • Assessment of safety and/or security in emerging technologies such as Next Generation Sequencing; • Laboratory physical and/or electronic security; • Enjoy advising and serving / passion for training and teaching in this area; • General familiarity with AOAC programs; • Willingness to carry out the duties and responsibilities in the Terms of Reference; and • Work cooperatively with other volunteers, stakeholders, experts, and staff. The AOAC OMB will vet all nominations and those approved will form the Committee’s roster, thereby initiating the new Committee on Safety and Security. Nominees will be required to provide a CV and a Letter of Support upon consideration. ACCESS NOMINATION FORM: The creation of this new committee from representatives across membership will continue AOAC’s commitment to safety and security. We appreciate your consideration in nominating an individual that has the interest and ambition to help build this new committee.

OMG Working Group for Committee on Safety and Security W. McMahon, J. Boison, E. Crowley, M. Phillips, M. Wallace, J. Wong, S. Parisi, G. Joseph

Enclosure: Terms of Reference, Committee on Safety and Security

Working Relationship of Responsibilities between OMB WG and the Committee




II. MISSION: To facilitate and encourage a culture of safety and security within the Association by providing guidance related to safety and security and defining new areas in support of the Association's strategic goals of Core Programs and Analytical Excellence III. RESPONSIBILITIES: 1) To serve as a resource for Association membership on safety and security matters. 2) Act as Safety Advisors to review methods in process and ensure integration of safety into methods. a) Serve as advisors to communities, panels, working groups, committees, or other AOAC groups on safety matters within that body's jurisdiction, including attendance at meetings as non-voting participants, as requested. b) Evaluate study protocols and manuscripts inclusion of safety related information, communicating feedback to the method author and/or ERP via safety checklist. c) Clarify any procedural or other questions with Method Author(s) that might impact the safety of the method. d) Make recommendations as to any cautionary statements that should be included for methods submitted for final publication in the Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International ( OMA ). e) Make recommendations to the Official Methods Board (OMB) for modification of the safety checklist as necessary. f) Respond to all requests for input, evaluation, or review in a timely manner. 3) Update Guidance on Laboratory Safety in OMA as needed 4) Stay current on the latest data (electronic) security and physical security issues for laboratories. 5) Stay current on the latest laboratory safety issues. 6) Actively participate in the work of the committee including, but not limited to, promptly responding to communications, attending, and actively participating in meetings, reviewing meeting background materials and agendas prior to meetings, and accepting and following through on assignments.

IV. COMPOSITION AND ORGANIZATION: 1) Composition: The committee shall be comprised of a minimum of 5 and maximum of 12 members including the Chair. The President of AOAC on the recommendation of the OMB shall appoint each member for a three-year term with option for a second three-year term. The Chair can recommend appointment of members for additional terms based on balance and activity. Terms begin and end with the AOAC Annual Business Meeting. 2) Chair: The Chair is initially appointed for one three-year term and may serve one additional three-year term if reappointment is approved with rationale by the OMB and the President of AOAC. Following conclusion of the Chair term(s), the Past Chair may continue as a general member. The Chair shall be a member of AOAC INTERNATIONAL and serves as a member of the OMB. In the event of a Co-Chair, both will be members of the OMB, but will only represent one vote on OMB decisions. 3) Quorum: The decisions of the Committee shall be valid when a quorum of equal to or greater than two-thirds ( ≥ 67%) of its members is present and shall be taken by a majority (>50%) of the total Committee membership. In the event of a tie the Chair shall have a casting vote. 4) Balance: The Committee shall be composed of qualified members representing a balance of current AOAC Science Programs. a. Subcommittees and other appropriate subgroups shall be appointed by the Chair of the Committee as the needs arise. b. All Committee members, other than those holding ex officio appointments, are appointed by the President. Members who do not actively participate in the Committee's activities will be recommended for removal from the Committee roster to the OMB by the Chair. STAFF LIAISON: The Executive Director shall assign a member of the staff to serve as staff liaison. VI. REVIEW SCHEDULE: Every three years. VII. DATE ESTABLISHED: 1965 VIII. DATES REVISED: 8/91; 3/99; 9/99, 3/22 V.

Working Relationship of Responsibilities Committee on Safety and Security with support from Official Methods Board Working Group

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