2016 OMB Summer Meeting

AOAC OMB Meeting Book


16. Finley, JW,  Introduction: White Papers from the: First International Congress on Antioxidant Methods   Journal of  Agricultural and Food  Chemistry (2005), 53(10), 4288‐4289  17. Liu, Rui Hai; Finley, John.  Potential Cell Culture Models for Antioxidant Research.    Journal of Agricultural and  Food Chemistry  (2005),  53(10),  4311‐4314  18. Finley, J.W. Phenolic antioxidants and prevention of chronic inflammation  19. Food Technology (Chicago, IL, United States) (2004), 58(11), 42‐44, 46.   20. Rajasekaran, K.; Jacks, T. J.; Finley, J. W..  Overview of crop biotechnology.    ACS Symposium Series  (2002),   829(Crop Biotechnology),  1‐6.  21. Rajasekaran, K.; Jacks, T. J.; Finley, J. W..  Preface.    ACS Symposium Series  (2002),  829(Crop Biotechnology),  ix‐ xi.    22. Finley, John W.; Shahidi, Fereidoon.  The chemistry, processing, and health benefits of highly unsaturated fatty  acids. An overview.    ACS Symposium Series  (2001),  788 (Omega‐3 Fatty Acids),  2‐11.    23. Finley, John W. Clinical testing of structured lipids. in   Editor(s): Christophe, Armand B.    Structural Modified Food  Fats: Synthesis, Biochemistry, and Use  (1998),       24. Finley, John W.; McDonald, A.; Klemann, L. P.  Low‐calorie fats.    Lipid Technologies and Applications  (1997),      501‐534)  25. Leveille, Gilbert A.; Finley, John W..  Macronutrient substitutes: description and uses.    Annals of the New York  Academy of Sciences  (1997),  819(Nutritional Implications of Macronutrient Substitutes),  11‐21.    26. Finley, John W.; Scheinbach, Saul.  The potential impact of biotechnology in the food industry: an overview.    ACS  Symposium Series  (1996),  637(Biotechnology for Improved Foods and Flavors),  14‐28.    27. By Yan Z Y; McCarthy M J; Klemann L; Otterburn M S; Finley, JW. NMR applications in complex food systems.   Magnetic resonance imaging (1996), 14(7‐8), 979‐81  28. Finley, John W..  Food Biosensor Analysis, edited by Gabriele Wagner and George G. Guilbault.    Trends in Food  Science & Technology  (1995),  6(7),  250‐1.    29. Huang, An Shun; Robinson, Louis R.; Gursky, Lucinda G.; Pidel, Albert; Delano, George; Softly, Billy J.; Templeman,  Gareth J.; Finley, John W.; Leveille, Gilbert A.  Quantification of Generic SALATRIM Material in Foods by the  Combination of Nontraditional Crude Fat Extraction and Short Nonpolar Column High‐Temperature Capillary Gas  Chromatography.    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  (1995),  43(7),  1834‐44.    30. Finley, John W.; Leveille, Gilbert A.; Dixon, Russell M.; Walchak, Catherine G.; Sourby, John C.; Smith, Robert E.;  Francis, Karen D.; Otterburn, Michael S.  Clinical assessment of salatrim, a reduced‐calorie triacylgylcerol.  [Erratum to document cited in CA120:132967].    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  (1994),  42(12),   2982.    31. Finley, John W.; Leveille, Gilbert A.; Dixon, Russell M.; Walchak, Catherine G.; Sourby, John C.; Smith, Robert E.;  Francis, Karen D.; Otterburn, Michael S.  Clinical Assessment of Salatrim, a Reduced‐Calorie Triacylglycerol.     Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  (1994),  42(12),  2982.    32. Finley, John W.; Leveille, Gilbert A.; Dixon, Russell M.; Walchak, Catherine G.; Sourby, John C.; Smith, Robert E.;  Francis, Karen D.; Otterburn, Michael S.  Clinical assessment of salatrim a reduced‐calorie triacylglycerol.    Journal  of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  (1994),  42(12),  2982.    33. Finley, John W.; Leveille, Gilbert A.; Dixon, Russell M.; Walchak, Catherine G.; Sourby, John C.; Smith, Robert E.;  Francis, Karen D.; Otterburn, Michael S.  Clinical assessment of Salatrim, a reduced‐calorie triacylglycerol.     Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  (1994),  42(2),  581‐96.    34. Hayes, Johnnie R.; Finley, John W.; Leveille, Gilbert A.  In vivo metabolism of Salatrim fats in the rat.    Journal of  Agricultural and Food Chemistry  (1994),  42(2),  500‐14.    35. Finley, John W.; Leveille, Gilbert A.; Klemann, Lawrence P.; Sourby, John C.; Ayres, Paul H.; Appleton, Scott.   Growth method for estimating the caloric availability of fats and oils.    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry   (1994),  42(2),  489‐94.    36. Finley, John W.; Klemann, Lawrence P.; Leveille, Gilbert A.; Otterburn, Michael S.; Walchak, Catherine G.  Caloric  availability of SALATRIM in rats and humans.    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  (1994),  42(2),  495‐9.    37. Hayes, Johnnie R.; Pence, Deborah H.; Scheinbach, Saul; D'Amelia, Ronald P.; Klemann, Lawrence P.; Wilson,  Nelson H.; Finley, John W..  Review of triacylglycerol digestion, absorption, and metabolism with respect to  Salatrim triacylglycerols.    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  (1994),  42(2),  474‐83.    38. Klemann, L. P.; Finley, J. W.; Leveille, G. A.  Estimation of the Absorption Coefficient of Stearic Acid in SALATRIM  Fats.    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry  (1994),  42(2),  484‐8.   

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