7-27-2022_Draft-Agenda -ERP-CASPChemCont Methods

ERP Premeeting Method Review Book


and the LODs for OTA are below the limit in California of 20 μ g/kg for OTA in cannabis. The method can therefore be regarded as fit-for-purpose in terms of its ability to screen and detect aflatoxins and OTA at meaningful limits in these cannabis products. Specificity.—The absence of any co-extracted peaks in the chromatograms of ‘blank’ samples was taken as a good indication as to the specificity of the clean-up and fluorescence detection. There was no evidence found of signal suppression or signal enhancement from co-extractives in matrix extracts. This is consistent with results reported in other similar studies using IAC clean-up. H. Calculations “% Recovery” is obtained by comparing the measured value of known spiked sample eluates applied with the appropriate dilution factor divided by the theoretical spiked concentration multiplied by 100. Measurement of uncertainty is +/- 2x RSD found in intermediate precision for each matrix. Reference Materials Used: No cannabis reference materials were available.

July 2022

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