
1328  B rown et al . : J ournal of AOAC I nternational V ol . 97, N o . 5, 2014

both 0.09 µg/mL, and the LOQs were 0.23 and 0.21 µg/mL, respectively (Table 2).


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From the nine test materials used in this study, five test materials (TM2, TM3, TM5, TM6, and TM8) were above the LOQ and had a HorRat range of 0.3 to 2.0 and RSDr values of 0.61–8.64% as summarized in Table 3. Three of the test materials (TM1, TM7, and TM9) were below the LOQ but were detected, and the one test material (TM4) was below the LOD; therefore, no HorRat and RSD r values were reported for these materials.


The average recovery range of aloin A and aloin B in both solid and liquid matrixes was 84.41–108.86% with an RSD r of 0.15–8.64%. Tables 4a and b contain the summarized results for each individual aloin at the three different concentration levels.

Stability of Mixed Standard

The stability of the aloins in reference standards, as well as test material solutions, was found to be higher with the addition of an acid. It was determined during method optimization that 0.1% acetic acid was adequate to provide good peak shape and retain analyte stability over a period of time. Storage of the aloin reference standards with the addition of an acid provided consistent peak area after 48 h when exposed to room temperature conditions with an average difference of 2–3% mAu*s. In the nonacidified solutions, the aloins started to degrade after 8 h at room temperature, and with an average difference of 23–28% mAu*s after 48 h from the initial time point. This method for the determination of aloin A and aloin B in raw materials and select finished products containing A. vera leaf juice was subjected to an SLV study according to AOAC INTERNATIONAL guidelines. All parameters investigated in the validation study were in compliance with the AOAC INTERNATIONAL guidelines. The described method is thus considered to be suitable for its purpose and ready for further validation studies. Conclusions


We would like to acknowledge Aloecorp (Ontario, CA), International Aloe Science Council (Silver Spring, MD) and Mark Roman from Tampa BayAnalytical Research (Tampa Bay, FL) for providing the materials for this study. In addition, we would like to acknowledge the ChromaDex for supplying the reference standards used in the validation study.

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