AOAC BOD June 2018 Pre-Meeting Materials

Erin Crowley, Chair of the Official Methods Board, provided a summary of OMB activities since the AOAC Annual Meeting. Crowley announced the election of Dr. Joe Boison (CFIA) as OMB Vice-Chair. The OMB established a working group to review AOAC methods in Codex STAN 234, beginning with methods in the Milk and Milk Products section. The OMB winter meeting will take place January 31-February 1, 2018; all board members are invited to attend.

6 Publications/Editorial Board 6.2 Launch of Electronic Inside Laboratory Management (ILM)

Robert Rathbone, Senior Director of Publications, and Joe Betz, Chair of the Editorial Board, presented updates to the Board. Beginning with the November/December issue, the ILM would be going digital. All international subscribers will begin receiving their issues in online format, allowing them to get information must faster and providing a cost savings to AOAC. Betz proposed that a seat on the AOAC Board of Directors be held by a member of the Editorial Board for improved communications, Benesh responded that as the Board and staff review governance and composition they would keep this in mind. 6.3 Journal Author Award Proposal Rathbone described a proposal to create an award for journal authors which could be presented at the Annual Meeting (the initial award would be given in 2019, to allow for a full year of papers to evaluate). Motion: Benesh/Sullivan moved/seconded approval of moving forward with the development of the Best Manuscript Award to Authors as presented to the Board. Vote: PASSED UNANIMOUSLY 7 Midyear Meeting Preview/Stakeholder Panel Updates 7.1 General Meeting Logistics Dawn Frazier and Alicia Meiklejohn provided general information about the 2018 Midyear Meeting. The meeting is scheduled for March 12-16, at the Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian Center, 9751 Washingtonian Boulevard, Gaithersburg, MD 20878. Hotel information can be found on the AOAC website and registration would be open soon. 7.2 Infant Nutrition Council of America – SPIFAN Sullivan and Meiklejohn described AOAC efforts to continue and grow the SPIFAN project. The SPIFAN stakeholder panel and expert review panel will meet on March 14, 2018 at the Midyear meeting. AOAC is hosting a Thought Leader Advisory meeting in late January/early February to engage other infant formula manufacturers, labs, tech providers, and the dairy industry.

7.3 Stakeholder Panel on Strategic Food Analytical Methods – SPSFAM

*Complete reports/presentations referenced herein are included in the “December 2017 Board Meeting Book” and are available upon request*

AOAC Board of Directors December 13, 2017 Meeting Minutes

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