AOAC BOD June 2018 Pre-Meeting Materials
AOAC INTERNATIONAL Board of Directors Teleconference May 16, 2018, 11:00AM – 12:30PM ET
1. Introductions/Roll Call (Benesh/Meiklejohn) President DeAnn Benesh called this meeting of the AOAC Board of Directors at 11:02am EDT. A quorum was achieved based on the presence of the following attendees: Board Members Staff DeAnn Benesh, President David Schmidt, Executive Director Ronald L. Johnson, Past President Alicia Meiklejohn Brad Goskowicz, President-Elect Jonathan Goodwin Jonathan W. DeVries, Sr., Treasurer Darryl M. Sullivan, Secretary Lei Bao, Director
Anthony J. Lupo, Director Stephen A. Wise, Director Absent Clay Detlefsen, Esq., Director Samuel Benrejeb Godefroy, Director Dan Fabricant, Director-at-Large
2. Executive Director Introduction (Benesh/Schmidt) Benesh introduced David B. Schmidt to the full Board of Directors. Schmidt made comments on his first few weeks at AOAC, during which he has spent time learning and observing the staff. He plans to bring new ideas to the June Board Meeting. He commented that he had received a great response to the announcement and heard from many colleagues, some of whom represent networks worth getting involved with AOAC going forward.
3. Executive Office Updates (Schmidt) Schmidt provided the following updates:
- SPIFAN – On April 26, AOAC and INCA (Infant Nutrition Council of America) signed a contract ($120K) to continue our work through September 30. This will cover SPIFAN activities at the AOAC Annual Meeting. - SPADA – AOAC is wrapping up the latest SPADA work with funding ($60K) to publish a comprehensive summary report of all SMPRs and work to date. We have also received verbal acceptance of three new proposals totaling $380K to develop new standards (preparation and use of soil samples, in silico PCR analysis, and surrogate characterization/authenticity). Confirmation of funding is expected mid-June.
May 16, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes v.3
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