AOAC BOD June 2018 Pre-Meeting Materials
- Annual Meeting – We have confirmed our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Aline Dimitri the Executive Director of the Food Safety Science Directorate and the Deputy Chief Food Safety Officer at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). 4. Updates from AOAC Meetings in China During April 2018, several Board members traveled to China and participated in the meetings detailed below: a. China Institute of Food Science and Technology (CIFST) and China National Center for Food Safety and Risk Assessment (CFSA) Meeting Dan Schmitz provided the following list of outcomes from meetings with AOAC, CIFST, and CFSA: 1. OA Membership -3 organizations expressed interest in supporting AOAC as sponsors or Organizational Affiliate (OA) members. AOAC staff will provide OA application information to CIFST contacts for distribution to interested organizations. 2. Proposal Collaboration – the government identified a new category of standards in China for sport nutrition products, including a variety of specialty nutrients (protein, arginine, branch chain amino acids, etc). CIFST would like to put in a proposal with AOAC to develop a pilot program using AOAC’s stakeholder approach for standards development. This is a new opportunity, with possibilities of bringing in other funders, recruiting both multi-national companies and local enterprises, or sponsorships. There are a lot of unknowns. We would need to let them know if we are willing to go in on a proposal by May 25. Motion: Schmitz/Sullivan moved/seconded AOAC Board support for informing CIFST of AOAC’s interest in Prior to the AOAC China Section Meeting in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China, President Benesh, former president Erik Konings, AOAC China Section President Chengzhu Liang, board member Lei Bao and Harrie van den Bijgaart (ISO/IDF) met with representatives from the China Society of Inspection and Quarantine (CSIQ) and the Standardization Administration of China (SAC) to discuss the possibility for participation in a new GB evaluation program. A change in Chinese regulation promotes working with international standards bodies. CSIQ was assigned to evaluate GB standards as a project from the National Health Commission, and the AOAC China Section would like to include AOAC in this process through the AOAC/ISO/IDF agreement. The plan would be for AOAC, ISO and IDF to work jointly with Chinese stakeholders to create a common understanding about the aims, develop terms of reference and find agreement on working procedures for this work and the connection with international standard setting organizations. There were concerns expressed that this work may conflict and/or complement work on GB standards with CIFST. It was agreed this project would be discussed in more detail at the Face-to-Face closed BOD meeting in June. evaluating this opportunity Vote: PASSED UNANIMOUSLY b. China Society of Inspection and Quarantine (CSIQ) Meeting and GB Project
c. China Academy of Inspection and Quarantine (CAIQ)
May 16, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes v.3
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