AOAC BOD June 2018 Pre-Meeting Materials
Darryl Sullivan reported on a meeting with the China Academy of Inspection Quarantine (CAIQ), an institute that wants to bring the AOAC PT Program into China. Visitors will plan to visit AOAC in the fall to investigate the possibility of collaboration.
5. Board Business a. Nominating Committee – Presentation of 2018 Slate of Candidates (Johnson)
Ron Johnson, Chair of the Nominating Committee presented recommendations on behalf of the committee. Members of the Nominating Committee thought it would be strategic to bring the invaluable experience and wisdom of past AOAC presidents back to the board for the President-elect position. The following slate of candidates was recommended to be placed on the 2018 general election ballot: Henry Chin/President-Elect, Darryl Sullivan (Covance)/Secretary, Jonathan DeVries (DeVries & Associates)/Treasurer, Michael Brodsky (Brodsky Consultants)/One-Year Director, Clay Detlefsen (NMPF)/Three-Year Director, Samuel Godefroy (University Laval)/Three-Year Director. Motion: Johnson/Lupo moved/seconded approval of proposed slate of candidates for the ballot as presented. Vote: PASSED UNANIMOUSLY Motion: Johnson/DeVries moved/seconded appointment of Michael Brodsky (Brodsky Consultants) to fill the vacancy left by Jo Marie Cook’s retirement from the Board (term 5/16/2018 - 8/29/2018), and to pay travel expenses for Brodsky to participate in meetings in person. (AOAC Bylaws Article VI, Sec. 8) Vote: PASSED UNANIMOUSLY Motion: Johnson/DeVries moved/seconded providing travel support to Board nominee Henry Chin to b. Updates on Recent Board Decisions - Retired Past Presidents, Sub-Saharan Africa Section (SSA), Horowitz Award (Meiklejohn) Alicia Meiklejohn provided updates on action items since the last Board meeting. By e-ballot the Board approved the formation of the Sub Saharan Africa Section and the first-ever presentation of the AOAC Horowitz Award to Dr. Al Pohland. In March, the Board voted to provide complimentary lifetime membership and meeting registration to retired past presidents. Eleven retired past presidents have accepted the membership benefit, and seven are expected to use the complimentary meeting registration to attend the Annual Meeting in Toronto in August. attend the June Board meeting. Vote: PASSED UNANIMOUSLY
6. June Board Meeting a. General Schedule - June 11-13, 2018 (Benesh/Meiklejohn)
The following schedule was agreed upon for the next June Board meeting:
May 16, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes v.3
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