Background on Analytes

Mudge et al. Anal Bioanal Chem . 2017; 409(12): 3153–3163.

Background on Analytes Agricultural Improvement Act 2018 (aka the 2018 Farm Bill)

“…any cannabis plant, or derivative thereof, …, that contains not more than 0.3 percent  delta‐9 tetrahydrocannabinol ("THC”) on a dry ‐ weight basis .

USDA: National THC test for hemp ‘as challenging as you think it is’ William Richmond, head of the Specialty Crops Program in the  USDA’s AMS, told a group of dietary‐supplement and CBD  business owners last week the agency hoped to have hemp  rules prepared by now, but federal agriculture authorities are 

struggling to craft a nationwide THC testing standard He said that the USDA is grappling with the Farm Bill‘s  requirement for a national THC testing protocol  “using post‐ decarboxylation or other similarly reliable methods.”

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