AOAC Methods for Review in Codex STAN 234_11-2018

AOAC Official Methods Listed in CXS 234 for Milk and Milk Products



AOAC Official Method 960.29 Salt in Butter

Titrimetric Method First Action 1960 Final Action 1967 IDF–ISO–AOAC Method

Accurately weigh ( ± 10 mg) ca 5 g test portion into 250 mL Erlenmeyer and add 100 mL boiling water. Let stand, swirling occasionally, 5–10 min while cooling to 50 ° –55°C. Add 2 mL K 2 CrO 4 indicator, 941.18 B( b ) ( see A.1.11), and titrate with 0.1M AgNO 3 , standardized as in 941.18 C ( see A.1.11), until orange-brown color persists 30 s. mL 0.1M AgNO 3 × 0.585/g test portion = NaCl, %

Reference: JAOAC 49, 518(1966). CAS-7647-14-5 (sodium chloride)



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