AOAC Methods for Review in Codex STAN 234_11-2018

AOAC Methods for Review in Codex STAN 234 1
AOAC Policy Documents3
AOAC Bylaws3
AOAC Policy on the Use of Association Name15
AOAC AntiTrust Statement and Guidelines19
AOAC Policy and Procedure on Volunteer Conflict of Interest22
AOAC ERP Policy Documents25
AOAC Forms/Documents for Codex STAN 234 Method Reviews31
List of AOAC Methods32
AOAC Methods33
AOAC 920.116 (Moisture in Butter)37
AOAC 938.05 (Butter)34
AOAC 970.29 (Sampling of Butter)35
AOAC 938.06 (Fat in Butter)36
AOAC 960.29 (Salt in Butter)37
AOAC 941.18 (Standard Solution of Silver Nitrate)38
AOAC 942.26 (Standard Solutions of Ammonium & Potassium Thiocyanates)39
AOAC 960.40 (Copper in Food)43
AOAC 965.33 (Peroxide Value of Oils & Fats)50
AOAC 942.27 (Standard Solutions of Sodium Thiosulfate)51
AOAC 972.25 (Lead in Food)53
AOAC 976.15 (Citric Acid in Cheese)58
AOAC 970.30 (Sampling of Cheese)59
AOAC 920.122 (Cheese)60
AOAC 968.12 (Sampling of Dairy Products)61
AOAC 955.30 (Cheese)63
AOAC 982.23 (Cadmium & Lead in Food)68
AOAC 984.27 (Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, and Zinc in Infant Formula)87
AOAC 985.35 (Minerals in Infant Formula, Enteral Products, and Pet Foods)97
AOAC 965.09 (Nutrients (Minor) in Fertilizers)100
AOAC 989.05 (Fat in Milk)148
AOAC 925.21 (Preparation of Milk Test Sample)150
AOAC 989.04 (Fat in Raw Milk)151
AOAC 991.20 (Nitrogen (Total) in Milk)171
AOAC 995.19 (Fat in Cream)182
AOAC 999.10 (Lead, Cadmium, Zinc, Copper, and Iron in Foods)193
AOAC 999.11 (Lead, Cadmium, Iron, Copper, and Zinc in Foods)212
Codex Commodity Standards223
Summary Standards223
Comparison IDF-ISO and AOAC methods for dairy in 234 2018-09-14228
Blend evap SM and veg fat-CXS 250-2006245
Cheese-CXS 283-1978253
Condensed milk-CXS 282-1971275
Dairy fat spreads-CXS 253-2006282
Dairy permeate powders-CXS 331-2017290
Edible casein products-CXS 290-1995302
Evaporated milk-CXS 281-1971326
Fermented milks for review by IDF ISO AOAC-CXS 243-2003334
Milk and milk products-CXS 193-1995338
Milk powders and cream powder-CXS 207-1999350
Whey cheeses-CXS 284-1971364
Whey powders-CXS 289-1995370

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