AOAC Gluten Quantitative Validation Guidance-Round 1(Nov 2023)

3.14 Intermediate precision: Precision under intermediate conditions (ISO 3534-2).

intermediate measurement precision intermediate precision measurement precision under intermediate precision conditions NOTE 1 Intermediate precision may be evaluated by replicate measurements on similar objects, provided variability among the objects is negligible.

Current Definition

VIM4 Second Committee Draft Definition

3.15 Intermediate precision conditions: Conditions where test results or measurement results are obtained with the same method, on identical test/measurement items in the same test or measurement facility, under some different operating condition, which may include, but are not limited to: time, calibration, operator, reagent lots and equipment.

intermediate precision conditions of measurement intermediate precision conditions specified conditions of measurement, where measured values are obtained by replicate measurements with the same measurement method, on the same or similar objects over an extended period of time in the same laboratory EXAMPLE 1 Intermediate precision conditions applied to measurement results obtained on internal measurement quality control materials in a laboratory over a stated period of time to monitor the quality of the measurements. EXAMPLE 2 Repeated PCR or ELISA measurements of the same object carried out under intermediate precision conditions if multiple 96-well-plates are used. NOTE 1 The extended period of time mentioned in the definition is intended to be long enough to allow for changes in the specified conditions. NOTE 2 The specification of an intermediate precision condition should include what the changes in conditions are, to the extent practical.

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