AOAC Gluten Quantitative Validation Guidance-Round 1(Nov 2023)
Current Definition
VIM4 Second Committee Draft Definition
3.16 Limit of detection (LOD): The lowest concentration or mass of analyte in a test material that can be distinguished from a true blank test material at a specified probability level (ISO 5725-1:1994). See further details on how to determine LOD in section 6.5.
detection limit limit of detection value of the measurand, obtained by a given measurement procedure, for which the probability of falsely claiming the absence of a component in a material is β, given a probability α of falsely claiming its presence NOTE 1 The abbreviation LOD is sometimes used for referring to detection limit. NOTE 2 Detection limit is usually considered to be a performance characteristic of a particular measurement procedure. NOTE 3 The term “sensitivity” is discouraged for referring to detection limits.
Current Definition
VIM4 Second Committee Draft Definition
3.20 Measurand: The quantity intended to be measured (the specification of the measurand should be sufficiently detailed to avoid any ambiguity). See also “analyte” definition.
measurand quantity intended to be measured
NOTE 1 The quantity mentioned in the definition is an individual quantity that is identified as the property of a given object. NOTE 2 The specification of a measurand typically requires knowledge of the general quantity, description of the state of the object carrying the quantity, including any quantity having a relevant effect on the quantity intended to be measured, and, if required, the chemical or biological entities involved.
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