AOAC ISPAM Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book 3-13-18
Outcomes of AOAC 2017 Annual Meeting • Food Fraud Task Force Presentation – Supported by the BOD – Designed to meet critical needs and expand global relevance.
• WG on Food Allergens – Presentation of the draft of the Milk SMPR – Chicken Egg SMPR
• Quantitation of Chicken Egg by ELISA-based Methods • Approved Unanimously
I. WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS (Goodwin/Crowley – 8:30AM-8:45AM) Jonathan Goodwin (AOAC) will open the meeting by welcoming attendees, leading introductions, and introducing ISPAM Chair, Erin Crowley (Q Laboratories, Inc.). Crowley will call the meeting to order. II . AOAC ISPAM GOALS/OVERVIEW/UPDATE (Crowley – 8:45AM-9:15AM) Erin Crowley will review the AOAC ISPAM meeting agenda and goals. She will also provide an overview of ISPAM and its working group activities, including an update on development of the Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPR®) for Milk and Peanut. She will also provide an overview of ISPAM activities between September 2017 and March 2018. III. AOAC STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT POLICIES & PROCEDURE OVERVIEW (McKenzie – 9:15AM-9:30AM) Deborah McKenzie (AOAC) will provide information on the AOAC Standards Development process. IV. AOAC ISPAMWORKING GROUP ON QUANTITATIVE MICROBIOLOGY METHODS ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA (Bird/Arbault – 9:30AM-11:45AM) Patrick Bird (Q Laboratories) & Patrice Arbault (BioAdvantage) Working Group Co-Chairs, will provide information on the development of AOAC Quantitative Microbiology Method Validation Acceptance Criteria.
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