AOAC ISPAM Stakeholder Panel Meeting Book 3-13-18
V. UPDATE ON GLUTEN IN OATS (Boison – 11:45AM-12:00PM)
Joe Boison (CFIA, Retired) will provide an update on Gluten in Oats.
VI. WORKING GROUP CHAIR PRESENTATIONS AND VOTE ON FINAL SMPR® (Working Group Chairs – 1:00PM-2:45PM) *The Working Group Co-Chairs will present the work of the working
group and how it reached consensus, and present the SMPR® for vote by the AOAC ISPAM Stakeholders.
1. WORKING GROUP CO-CHAIRS, Samuel Godefroy (Université Laval) & Jupiter Yeung (Nestlé) FOOD ALLERGENS ASSAY (MILK) VII. WORKING GROUP ON FOOD ALLERGEN ASSAYS - PEANUT (Godefroy/Yeung) 1. Discussion on Analytical Challenges & Regulatory Issues 2. Review of Endorsed Fitness-for-Purpose 3. Standard Method Performance Requirement (SMPR®) Development Next steps • Continued activity of the Food Allergen WG on the priority sequence • Potential launch of a Cannabis WG on addressing highly critical Microbiological and standardization needs • Promoting new members to diversify the expertise throughout ISPAM
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