AOAC SPIFAN ERP Orientation (May 2021)

Restrictions on Accessing Candidate Methods: ERP Members are specifically restricted from the following without expressed written permission from an appropriate AOAC staff liaison. a. Reproducing b. Forwarding c. Distributing d. Discussing (without an AOAC staff liaison present) e. Divulging user ID/password 4. GENERAL & ETHICAL EXPECTATIONS: a. ERP Members can expect to have a minimum of three weeks to review methods prior to the ERP meeting.  You are requested to submit written reviews by a specified deadline. Please alert staff if you are unable to complete reviews on time.  You may be assigned individual methods or all the methods to review. Please be prepared to discuss your assigned methods during meeting.  You may use the OMA appendices as guidance for types of validation work that can be expected. If additional information is needed, please ask staff. b. ERP Meeting Quorum  A quorum is necessary to conduct business and is standard AOAC practice and required for official AOAC ERP meetings. If no quorum is reached, the meeting will not proceed and subsequently will be rescheduled.  Be considerate that your absence may impact the quorum of the ERP and its ability to have an official meeting to make decisions. Please alert staff as early as possible if you are unable to attend a meeting. c. ERP Consensus  ERP consensus may not reflect your own personal view.  There may be times when a method may not meet all the criteria exactly; however, the ERP may still choose to adopt the method. d. Respect for your peer ERP members and ERP Chair  Each member has been vetted for expertise relevant to the review of the candidate method(s) in the ERP. o Be considerate of each other’s perspectives and points of view. o Be considerate of the ERP’s consensus even if you disagree.  Notify staff and/or disclose in the ERP meeting if you have a direct or perceived conflict of interest for a specific method. o Please review AOAC’s policy on Volunteer Conflict of Interest.

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