AOAC SPIFAN ERP Report (April 29, 2021)

AOAC SPIFAN Expert Review Panel Report April 29, 2021 Final Version

I. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Darryl Sullivan welcomed all participants to the ERP meeting and introduced the ERP members.

II. REVIEWOF METHODS BY EXPERT REVIEW PANEL (ERP) FOR FIRST ACTION OFFICIAL METHOD SM STATUS – AOAC SPIFAN II & III For each method, the ERP/Working Group Co-Chairs discussed method(s) submitted and reviewed the method(s) received First Action Official Method SM status.

Method Title





(FLUOR-05) - Determination of fluoride in Infant and Adult/ Pediatric Nutritional Formula)

1. Include raw data &

Scott Christiansen Jinchuan Yang

Motion: To delay consideration for the method. Scott Christiansen moved Jinchuan Yang second (unanimous) 2 nd Motion : For ERP to accept recommendations to send to study author(s). Scott Christiansen moved Jinchuan Yang second (unanimous) Motion: To delay consideration for the method. Yannis Vrasidas moved Philip Haselberger second (Nestlé abstains) – Pass 2 nd Motion: For ERP to accept recommendations to send to study author(s). Vote

information including sample size on infant formula tested. 2. Is method measuring total or free/weakly bound fluoride (please comment). Additional Comments:  Please see Reviewer Forms comments / recommendations

Method Title





(HMO-02) – Determination of Seven Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) in Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals

 See Reviewer forms

Yannis Vrasidas Philip Haselberger

Philip Haselberger moved Yannis Vrasidas second (Nestlé abstains) – Pass

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