AOAC SPIFAN ERP Report (April 29, 2021)

AOAC SPIFAN Expert Review Panel Report April 29, 2021 Final Version


(Lacto-02) - Lactoferrin in Infant formula and Adult Nutritional Formula by HPLC

 See Reviewer forms

Adrienne Mahon Estela Kneeteman

Motion: To delay consideration for the method. Adrienne Mahon moved Sneh Bhandari second (unanimous) 2 nd Motion : For ERP to accept recommendations to send to study author(s).

See recommendation(s): 1. Concerns that the method lacks sufficient selectivity to demonstrate the required method performance. 2. To address the selectivity issue significant changes to the sample prep, separation and/or detection 3. Review comments from reviewers 4. Show or share chromatogram of sample before/after heat treatment. a. Areas & heights b. More raw data 5. See the purity of the reference standard determined by a separate method. See recommendation(s):  Include all observations from the 2 reviews.  Concerns that the method lacks sufficient selectivity to demonstrate the required method performance.  To address the selectivity issue significant changes to the sample prep, separation and/or detection  See the purity of the reference standard determined by a separate method.  Send method authors an example of SLV document.  See Reviewer forms

Adrienne Mahon moved Maria Ofitserova second (unanimous)


(Lacto-03) - Determination of Lactoferrin in Infant Formula Milk by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Brendon Gill Martine van Gool

Motion: To delay consideration for the method. Brendon Gill moved Martine van Gool second (unanimous) 2 nd Motion : For ERP to accept recommendations to send to study author(s). Brendon Gill moved Martine van Gool second (unanimous)

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