AOAC SPIFAN Review of GB Methods (March 12, 2020)

Comments on GB methods Reviewer 6

GB29989-2013 : Determines total L-Carnitine. From our method equivalency work there is no significant difference between results obtained using this GB standard and other similar enzymatic assays based on the following method, ‘Enzymatic determination of free carnitine in milk and infant formulas’, AOAC manuscript, H. Indyk and D. Woollard, J. AOAC Int., 78 (1995) 69-74. This study involved a limited number of formulas – would be good to have data for SPIFAN formula (infant milk) – enzymatic method vs the LC-MS method.

Is there a guidance document on reviewing these GB standards – it would be helpful. I am assuming this is a paper exercise, should we review on its own or compare to AOAC/ISO standards, review key aspects / principle or all aspects, line for line etc….? Maybe there is something already, my apologies if I missed it.

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