Anli Gao-Stats Member

Gao, A. and K. Zhou. 1993. Growth and reproduction of three populations of finless porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides , in Chinese waters. Aquatic Mammals 19(1):3-12. Zhou, K., A. Gao and J. Sun. 1993. Notes on the biology of the finless porpoise in Chinese waters. IBI Reports (4):69-74.

Sun, J., K. Zhou and A. Gao. 1993. A report on birds sighted along the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Chinese J. Zool. 29(1):23-28.

Gao, A. and K. Zhou. 1992. Sexual Dimorphism in the baiji, Lipotes vexillifer . Can. J. Zool. 70:1484- 1493.

Zhou, K., J. Sun, Y. Hua and A. Gao. 1992. Population monitoring and photo-identification study of the baiji, Lipotes vexillifer , in the lower Yangtze. Proceedings of 23rd Annual IAAAM conference, May 18- 22. Hong Kong. Gao, A., J. Sun and K. Zhou. 1988. The possibility of using photographic techniques to identify individual baiji, Lipotes vexillifer . Working paper SC/A88/P6, Symposium and Workshop on the Use of Non-Lethal Techniques, Especially Photo-Identification Techniques, to Estimate Cetacean population parameters. 28 April - 4 May, 1988, La Jolla, California.

Zhou, K. and A. Gao. 1988. Individual and mass stranding of sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus , in China (abstract, in English). Asia-Pacific theriological symposium, 1988, Beijing.

Gao, A. and K. Zhou. 1987. On the retinal ganglion cells of Neophocaena and Lipotes . Acta Zool. Sinica , 33(4):316-322.

Gao, A. and K. Zhou. 1986. Anatomical and histological studies of the eyes of the finless porpoise, Neophocaena phocaenoides . Acta Zool. Sinica , 32(3):248-254.

Wang, Q., D. Wang, J. Liu, and A. Gao. 1984. The rodents on farm land in the east part of Shaanxi in autumn. Chinese J. Zool. (6):33-36.

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