ERP Sulfite Methods-Meeting Materials_4-2020

ERP for Sulfites in Seafood Methods Materials


Biolan Microbiosensores BIOFISH 300 SUL Collaborative Study Protocol

February 2019

collaborators. Please include any criticisms, suggested improvements, or general comments about the products on the Collaborators’ Comments Form provided. Any results that were derived from modified protocols should be included but must be clearly indicated. Results and comments should be returned to the Study Director immediately upon completion of the study. Information about this Collaborative Study Shipment Schedule and Receipt of Study Materials and Test Portions Equipment and test kits should arrive in the weeks prior to the prearranged training date for your site. Study materials (test portions) should be received by Tuesday of Week 1. If all collaborators are not on ‐ site at the time of arrival, a designated site coordinator shall receive the materials. Collaborators or site coordinators shall inventory all equipment, test kits, and study materials against the packing lists upon arrival to ensure all materials have arrived. Contact the Study Director immediately if any equipment or test kits have not arrived prior to your prearranged training date or if study materials have not arrived by Tuesday prior to initiation of the study. Test portions will be shipped by overnight courier on Monday of Week 1 to arrive on Tuesday. If all collaborators are not on ‐ site at the time of arrival, a designated site coordinator shall receive the packages. Each package shall be examined for potential damage. The collaborator or site coordinator must alert Study Director if any packages appear compromised or if the contents do not appear frozen. Each collaborator should receive 1 set of 12 blind coded test portions (2 g) for BIOFISH 300 SUL analysis, together with 2 Control Materials (Negative and Positive). Selected collaborators will receive a second set of 6 blind coded test portions (50 g) plus 2 control test portions for AOAC Official Method 990.28 analysis. Inventory the test portions against the test portion inventory sheet included in the shipment to be sure all are present and alert the Study Director if any test portions are missing. The test portions should be stored at  ‐ 20°C until initiation of the study on the following day (Wednesday). Table 1. Study Schedule (Specific Dates TBD)

Submission of Data Report Form Week 2, Wednesday

Receipt of BIOFISH 300 SUL

Collaborator Activity

Receipt of Test Portions

Initiation of Analyses Week 1, Wednesday


Week 1, Tuesday




Safety Precautions KITCFSUL/KITVFSUL: Not a hazardous substance or mixture according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008. This substance is not classified as dangerous according to Directive 67/548/EEC. Sulfites may cause allergy ‐ like reactions including sneezing, runny nose or wheezing; or asthma symptoms in people with underlying asthma; or rarely hives or anaphylaxis. The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) including gloves, laboratory coat and protective eyewear is recommended.




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