FAM ERP 11-9-21 (OMB Review)

American Herbal Products Association (AHPA)

Mar 2018 - present

Analytical Labs Committee

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD SETTING − AOAC 2018.04: Ginger Nonvolatile Constituents in Dietary Ingredients and Dietary Supplements First Action (principal investigator and lead author) − Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) 2021: Steviol Glycosides from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (co-principal investigator) − AOAC 2020.05: Flavanol and Procyanidin (by Degree of Polymerization 1–7) of Cocoa Based Products (co-principal investigator) − AOAC 2016.09: Quantitative Analysis of Aloins and Aloin-Emodin in Aloe Vera Raw Material and Finished Product (multi-lab study participant) − US Pharmacopeia Food Chemicals Codex Monograph: Stevia Glycosides (co-principal investigator) - pending JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS (* denotes corresponding author) − Gafner S*, Borchardt T, Bush M, Sudberg S, Feuillere NG, Tenon M, Jolibois J, Bellenger PJN, You H , et al. Tales from the Elder: Adulteration Issues of Elder Berry. HerbalEGram , 2021 Mar: 3 − Bussy U*, Yang, J, You H , Anderson N, Britton E, Kwik-Uribe C. UPLC-FLR Measurement of Flavanol and Procyanidin Bioactives In Cocoa-Based Commercial Products. Waters Application Note, 2021 . − Liu Z, Ren K, Feng Y, Uong T, Krepich S, You H* . Rapid and economic determination of 13 steviol glycosides in market-available food, dietary supplements, and ingredients-single laboratory validation of a HPLC method . Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry . 2020 Sep 16. − You H* , Ireland B, Moeszinger M, Zhang H, Snow L, Krepich S, Takagawa V. Determination of Select Nonvolatile Ginger Constituents in Dietary Ingredients and Finished Dosage Forms, First Action 2018.04. Journal of AOAC International . 2020 Jan 1;103(1):124-31. − Qiu X, Zhang H, Yin Y, Brandes H, Marsala T, Stenerson K, Cramer H, You H* . Determination of Active Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) in Dietary Supplements and Ingredients by Reversed-phase Liquid Chromatography: Single-laboratory Validation. Food Chemistry. 2019 Jun 14:125010. − You H* , Ireland B, Moeszinger M, Zhang H, Snow L, Krepich S, Takagawa V. Determination of bioactive nonvolatile ginger constituents in dietary supplements by a rapid and economic HPLC method: Analytical method development and single-laboratory validation. Talanta. 2019 Mar 1;194:795-802. − Dentali SJ*, Amarillas C, Blythe T, Brown PN, Bzhelyansky A, You H , et al. Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs®) 2018.005: Determination of Kavalactones and/or Flavokavains from Kava (Piper methysticum). Journal of AOAC International. 2018 Jul 1;101(4):1256-60. − Van Breemen R*, Bzhelyansky A, Es-Safi NE, Jennens M, Johnson HE, You H , et al. Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs®) 2018.004: Determination of trans Resveratrol in


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