FAM ERP 11-9-21 (OMB Review)

Dietary Supplements and Dietary Ingredients. Journal of AOAC International. 2018 Jul 1;101(4):1254-5. − Audino S*, Angerhofer M, Atkins P, Brauninger RM, Brown PN, You H , et al. AOAC SMPR® 2017.001: Quantitation of Cannabinoids in Cannabis Concentrates. Journal of AOAC International. 2017 Jul 1;100(4):1200-3. − Audino S*, Angerhofer M, Atkins P, Brauninger RM, Brown PN, You H , et al. AOAC SMPR® 2017.002: Quantitation of Cannabinoids in Dried Plant Materials. Journal of AOAC International. 2017 Jul 1;100(4):1204-7. − Zielinski G*, Atkinson G, Bhandari S, You H , et al. AOAC SMPR® 2017.011: Identification and Quantitation of Free Alpha Amino Acids in Dietary Ingredients and Supplements. Journal of AOAC International. 2017 Jul 1;100(4):1204-7. − Bzhelyansky A*, Atkinson G, Brown L, Burns P, Es-Safi NE, You H , et al. AOAC SMPR® 2017.012: Quantitation of Select Nonvolatile Ginger Constituents. Journal of AOAC International. 2017 Jul 1;100(4):1192-6. − Reidun I*, Atkinson G, Bhandari S, Craft N, Horkey A, You H , et al. AOAC SMPR® 2017.013: Determination of Vitamins K1 and K2 in Dietary Supplements and Dietary Ingredients. Journal of AOAC International. 2017 Jul 1;100(4):1197-8. − Brown P*, Bzhelyansky A, Donelson J, You H , et al. AOAC SMPR® 2017.014: Determination of Select Ginsenosides in Dietary Supplements and Dietary Ingredients. Journal of AOAC International. 2017 Sep 22; 101 (1), 310-314. − Zhou J*, Brown L, Kuszak A, You H , et al. AOAC SMPR® 2017.016: Determination of SAMe in Dietary Ingredients and Dietary Supplements. Journal of AOAC International. 2017 Sep 22; 101 (1), 319-321. − Audino S*, Acevedo B, An H, You H , et al. AOAC SMPR® 2017.019: Quantitation of Cannabinoids in Edible Chocolate. Journal of AOAC International. 2017 Sep 22; 101 (1), 330-334. − You H , Hao R, Li R, Zhang L, Zhu Y*, Luo Y. The Effect of Radish Sourced 4-(Methylthio)-3-butenyl isothiocyanate on Ameliorating the Severity of High Fat Diet Inducted Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Rats. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2015;8:15910-15919. − Zhao G, Hao R, You H , Zhu Y*, Luo Y. Extraction of Isothiocyanate from Radish Sprout. Food Science . 2013;34:27-30. − You H , Hao R, Zhao G, Zhu B, Zhu Y*, Luo Y. Effect of White Radish Extract on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases in SD Rats. Food Science . 2011;32:300-4. − Zhao G, You H , Hao R, Zhu Y*, Luo Y. Dynamic Changes of Isothiocyanates and Antioxidant Properties during Radish Seedling Development. Food Science . 2011;32:102-5. − Zhao G, Hao R. You H , Zhu Y*, Luo Y. Fatty Acid Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Eight Types of Radish Seed Oils. China Oils and Fats. 2011;36:73-6. − You H, Zhang Y, Zhao Z-Y, Che P, Albertsen MC, Glassman K, White WS*. Quantifying the Bioefficacy of β-Carotene-biofortified Sorghum Using a Mongolian Gerbil Model (in preparation). − You H, White WS*. Evaluating Extraction Protocols for Quantifying Hepatic Retinol and Retinyl Esters (in preparation).

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