Microsoft Word - Candidates for 2018 ERP of the Year



STAKEHOLDER PANEL ON STRATEGIC FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS EXPERT REVIEW PANEL ON SPDS SET 1 INGREDIENTS (Anthocyanins, Chondroitin, and PDE5 Inhibitors) Conclusion: The Expert Review Panel reviewed four (4) Chondroitin methods, three (3) Anthocyanins methods, and five (5) PDE5 Inhibitors Methods, which were submitted in response to the Call for Methods. One Chondroitin Method (CHON-004) and one PDE5 Inhibitor Method (PDE5-005) were adopted as First Action Official Methods SM . Methods Reviewed: Each Anthocyanins, Chondroitin, and PDE5 Inhibitors method collected by AOAC for consideration by this ERP was assigned a primary and secondary reviewer. The decisions of the August 3-4, 2015 ERP are shown below.


Chondroitin – August 3, 2015

Chondroitin ERP Members Present: Brian Schaneberg, Starbucks (Chair); Jana Hildreth, Synutra Pure; Martha Jennens, Covance; Phillip Koerner, Phenomenex; Tom Phillips, State of MD; Curtis Phinney, Consultant; Kelly Reins, Consultant; John Spzylka, Merieux NutriSciences; Aniko Solyom, GAAS Corporation; Darryl Sullivan, Covance.

Chondroitin ERP Members Absent: Liton Roy, Sancillo and Company; Nour Edine ES-SAFI, Mohammad V University Rabat

AOAC Method #

Manuscript Title and Submitter

ERP Decisions




Title: “Selected Adulterants in Dietary Ingredients and Dietary Supplements Containing Chondroitin Sulfate”

Motion 1: MOTION to not move CHON-001 to First Action Official Methods SM status. Motion 2: MOTION that the method author should submit probability of detection (POD) data at the minimum detection level for the compounds listed in Annex I of AOAC SMPR 2014.008. Motion 1: MOTION to not move CHON-002 to First Action

Motion 1: Hildreth/Phinney, 9/0/1 (Abstain: Covance) Motion 2: Hildreth/Jennens, 9/0/1 (Abstain: Covance) Motion 1: Reins/Hildreth,

Primary: Jana Hildreth

Secondary: Curtis Phinney

Submitted by: Gabriel Giancaspro, USP


Title: Isotachophoretic Determination

Primary: Kelly Reins


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