OMA Protocol Review: OMAMAN-56 Sulfites in Shrimp

Method Authors Sandra Salleres, Irune González, Erlantz Ramos, Naiara Linaza, Roberto González, Sonia Maza, and Arrate


Submitting Company Biolan Microbiosensores S.L.

Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia, Laida Bidea, 409. 48170 Zamudio, Bizkaia. Spain.

(+34) 946 57 41 61

Reviewer(s) TBD

Scope of method Target analyte .--Sulfite, measured as SO 2


Matrixes .--Raw shrimp head off and boiled shrimp.

Summary of Validated Performance Claims .--Quantification of sulfite from 7 to 30 mg/kg. Within this

range, the BIOFISH 300 SUL method was equivalent to OMA 990.28, the optimized Monier-Williams

method for determination of sulfites in foods (1). The method is intended for regulatory use.


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