AOAC RESEARCH INSTITUTE Expert Review Panel Chair Report for Dietary Starches Page 3 of 5
Criteria for Vetting Methods to be considered: AOAC convened the Official Methods of Analysis SM (OMA) Expert Review Panel for Dietary Starches on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 from 8:00am to 10:00am during the AOAC Annual Meeting and Exposition in Boca Raton, Florida from September 7-10, 2014. The purpose of the meeting will be to 1) Review the Collaborative Study Manuscript/ OMAMAN-13: Determination of Dietary Starch in Animal Feeds and Pet Food by an Enzymatic-Colorimetric Method Collaborative Study (Study Director: Mary Beth Hall, U. S. Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, 1925 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA) and to 2) discuss First to Final Action requirements and Feedback mechanisms. The candidate method was reviewed against the approved collaborative study protocol. Supplemental information was also provided to the reviewers which included the collaborative study manuscript, Method Safety Checklist, Collaborative Study Tables, Collaborative Study Figures and Captions, and the Collaborative Study Protocol. Criteria for Vetting Experts and Selection Process: The following eight (8) candidates and one (1) alternate member were submitted for consideration by the Official Methods Board to evaluate candidate methods for Dietary Starches methods as per the Expert Review Panel (ERP) Policies and Procedures. The candidates were highly recommended by the Agricultural Materials Community, have participated in various AOAC activities, including but limited to, Method Centric Committees that were formed under the legacy OMA pathway, and were vetted by the Official Methods Board. The experts are Sean Austin, Sneh Bhandari, Kommer Brunt, Jon DeVries, Kai Liu, Barry McCleary, Tom Phillips, John Szpylka, and the Chair, Lars Reimann. ERP Orientation: The ERP members have completed the mandatory AOAC Expert Review Panel Orientation Webinar on Wednesday, July 16, 2014. Expert Review Panel Meeting Quorum The meeting of the Expert Review Panel was held in person. A quorum is the presence of seven (7) members or 2/3 of the total vetted ERP, whichever is greater. Eight (8) out of the eight (8) voting members were present and therefore met a quorum to conduct the meeting. Subsequent ERP Activities: ERP members have stated that no additional data is requested to move from First to Final Action. User Feedback and supporting documentation in support of the need for quadratic standard curve is expected for this method to move forward to Final Action Official Method status. ERP members will continue to evaluate the method for 2 years. AOAC Research Institute ERP Use Only Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs): N/A Conclusion: The Expert Review Panel reviewed OMAMAN-13: Determination of Dietary Starch in Animal Feeds and Pet Food by an Enzymatic-Colorimetric Method and adopted this method for First Action Official Method status by a unanimous decision with additional revisions as noted in the meeting minutes.
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